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About the Study

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The purpose of this study is significant. One purpose of the study is to identify any relationship between digital forensics training and capable guardianship of potential targets and victims in communities. A second purpose is to identify any significant differences in learning comprehension and outcomes between three digital forensic training delivery methods: live online, recorded online, and no training options. The study’s importance ensures digital forensics training budgets are spent effectively to help mitigate any impacts departments are experiencing through challenges such as the defund the police movement. Additionally, “The New Normal” of COVID-19 and the uncertainties of the virus’s long-term effects impact training options thrusting organizations and departments to look at more effective ways to offer trainings. Tying digital forensics training to capable guardianship in the Routing Activity Theory brings the importance of digital FEs in providing vital roles and key protection to their communities.

Keywords: capable guardians, defund the police, mobile forensics, Routine Activity Theory, training delivery methods

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